Last weekend we went camping at Pop Pop's -- Owen's first time.
Bobby cannot get enough of pretending to drive vehicles. The 6 wheeler and the tractor in particular, but anything really.
He took Vianne on many a pretend date to Stop and Shop. "Buckle in, Vianne, we're going to Stop and Shop. Buckle yourself out -- we're here!"
The first morning...
On Saturday Chloe came out with Grandmother and Tom.
Tent naps in the woods are the best.
We (meaning not me) hung a swing from a tree and it was a huge hit with all of the tiny people.
Owen was very content just laying on a quilt looking at the trees.
Finally got a good picture of his two teeth!
Saturday night we all had a little cookout at the campsite.

Somewhere around the s'mores we spotted a strange creature crossing the field across the pond. We'd been talking about hearing the manbeast in the woods at night, and I was pretty sure now we'd finallt seen it. Tom chased manbeast off into the woods. He was gone for quite a while. Finally my mother and Chloe went off to find him.
At last they all returned. "Whhhhat....?"
Fire is so fun to take pictures of.
I can't stop.
Bob hung out at the campfire for a little while, then announced, "I want to go snuggle in our tent." I snapped this picture -- probably my new favorite of Bobby -- while I was getting him ready for bed by lantern light.
Bobbert spent a LOT of time pretending to work the tractor.
Whenever my Gramps would try to do some real work, Bob would stare the whole time saying, "Um, Pop Pop, are you all done? Can you please get down from there?"
The guys' backs...
More Owen cuteness...
and swinging...
and tent napping...
The "Volvo car" handled the mountain beautifully.
We got a new tent. On sale at Sears for $99. It's huge -- like having a cabin in the woods. I thought it was going to be a little ridiculous, but it was awesome. Ben, I'll say it: you were right.
Tracball is another popular camping activity.
These crazy girls went swimming in the muddy pond...
These two went on another pretend adventure, climbing up and down this hill over and over again...
Bob really wanted to go find the tractor but I wasn't taking him. "Pop Pop's house is vat way, Vianne. Wet's go."
Another great campfire...
Then thanks to Randy we even added fireworks to the mix. This photo's not doctored -- that's a campfire in the foreground and fireworks that accidentally went off on the ground in the background.
The last morning...
LOVE these chubby fingers.
View from the top of the hill, down to the house...
A little dozer time...
And, pooped out on the drive home.
It was lovely to get away for a few days, spend time in nature and far from the TV, spend time with grandparents and friends...
we'll be back soon, woods.