In honor of our first day as free beings (if you're not with me on Instagram, we got a second car! we're no longer to be total homebodies four or more days a week! Exciting news) we checked out someplace new...
I've passed by this bridge so many times but never bothered to stop until today. You get there from a picnic/rest area on route 7 in lanesborough, so close to my gram's that it's both ridiculous and the reason I've never had reason to rest there I guess. It's a nice little road through huge trees to a little footbridge over a creek. The perfect mini adventure for three mini people and their mama. A respite from the usual, if you will. And it's good to remember, because I can tend to forget, that a respite from the usual is good for body and soul.

Maisy Lou, we call her adventure baby because, well I'm sure you've gotten the gist of it by now. She wanted to crawl across the bridge, back and forth again and again, giving me a heart attack a minute. I tried to keep my feet astride her in case of a sudden lunge but it didn't much matter; she knew what she was doing. She loves to explore a new place just as much as the boys. And almost as much as I do.
Area of respite for the win. G'nite.