{I've got to interject a couple of comments here... above: Bob was digging the elevator ride to Gram's condo and once while we were all outside he insisted on going up to pee by himself. Afterwards he emerged from the building all Urkel-pantsed and serious-faced and mature. and, below: a photo by Bob. I love these blurry, low angle kid shots -- the very picture of a childhood memory.}

{Another interjection: We were telling Owen about how he was crawling up this lifeguard stand back when he was not quite one year old and he said, "But I still can crawl!" And then he demonstrated as proof that he is still totally cute.}

{Back in January Maisy was content to sit and play in the sand. If this were today she'd be making a bee-line for the water and trying to swim out to sea.}

{My husband likes to A. use all the crazy photo filters, and B. take pics of me breastfeeding in public in order to support the cause, whatever the cause is exactly because I'm always a little confused on that. Here are a couple more for your collection, honey.}

I've got one more batch of Cali photos up my sleeve, featuring a few fun things we did this time around in the Redondo Beach area, so stay tuned...

For now, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GRAM, from the whole Burgess clan. And, goodnight!