Seriously. And even though the temps in the 20s have suddenly warmed to the 40s and it rains every day and brown muddy grass peeps through the snow in places and our snow mounds are no longer huge but still bigger than our car, as Bob puts it, it really doesn't feel one bit like spring as of yet. The simultaneous good and bad news is that finally the parents have stopped seeing the reason in sending their kids to ski school, and thus as of Friday my lunchlady gig has come to an end. Mostly good news, I'll admit -- although the income is quite necessary so there's that little problem. I met some good people this winter, and as much as I was over the daily menu, it was bittersweet saying "adios."
Some winter tidbits:
Sometimes boys jump right up to play after naptime; sometimes they're snuggly. I like when they snuggle.
For pretty much the entire month of january we had a tent set up in our living room, just because we're cool like that. Perfect spot for quiet reading or crazy wrestling.
Brother bath time is always sweet, and a nice way to warm up in our cold, cold house...
When we finally got tired of a tent taking up our entire living room we compromised the basketball court and moved the tent up to our bedroom. A little seek and find of fun stuff for you: four balls, one helmet, one spiderman mask, one children's book, a fake moustache, a toy dinosaur, and the basketball hoop of course...
A little sneak peek at our very messy, lived in, log cabiny living room -- just because that little tiny cutester dressing himself is one of the most precious things ever.
Some almost springlike weather to play out in, no hats required for the first time this year...
Oboe was personally affronted by a fall in the mud and ran across the driveway to the garage crying, "I'm way far away right now!"
Falling in mud is not so enjoyable, but stomping in it -- pure joy.

Also on our un-spring funlist: bubble wand lightsabers...

...and good old trackball of course.
We went to a wedding a couple of weeks ago and I tried to snag a photo of the boys all dolled up, but it was freezing and although Wooden somehow didn't notice, Pupper could not hide his disdain for the cold. {And I have no idea what's the deal with Wooden's pose. Just hamming for the camera I guess.}
So, there's the long part of our winter. Here's to hoping the sun returns someday! (And also, I'm moving to Cali. For real. Enough's enough.)
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