This is what we've been eating, on nights when it's not basil pesto, at least once a week since the beets and carrots came in. I call it roasted roots but often include green beans/kale/chicken as well.

Here are my directions...

-- Preheat your oven to 350 or 400 degrees or somewhere in there, depending on how hungry everyone is.
-- Wash and scrub your veggies til they're nice and clean.
-- Chop your carrots into thin slices and toss them onto a baking sheet or casserole dish.
-- Peel your beets, then chop into thin slices and add to the carrots.
-- Do up any other veggies you have (take the ends off green beans and chop in half, rip kale into bite sized pieces) and add them to the pan.
-- Chop up a handful of fresh basil and add that too.
-- Cut up your raw meat, if you want this to be a whole meal rather than a side dish, into chunks and toss those on the pan with the veggies.
-- Drizzle some olive oil and balsamic vinegar on top; Sprinkle on some salt, pepper, and rosemary (or whatever other herbs you like); Stir it all up.
-- Bake for about 20-25 minutes, give or take, for nice crunchy veggies and cooked meat.
(We also call this dish pink chicken because the beet juice turns the chicken a lovely bright pink. Which, by the way, does not make my pink-loving son want to eat it. No matter how many times I serve beets, the boys will not eat them. About carrots they are completely fickle; one day they love carrots and the next day they hate carrots and always have.)
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