Tuesday, June 4, 2013

new 'dos

Ben's been pushing for haircuts for the boys for a while now, but I've been resisting.  What is it with mamas and our boys' hair?  I was finally convinced to chop it off when Bob finally wanted me to cut it: "Mom, I want you to cut my hair so I'm almost bald," he said.

Here's Bob's long hair in all its glory...

And Owen's little trampoline-static baby hair...

The before-haircut shots...
and after...
Before for Owen...
and after...

(A little after-trimming was necessary on both 'dos.)

So now we've got a couple of short hairs.  And pretty much every time we're out someone asks if they're twins.  Because even though he's two years older, Bob is only a couple of inches taller than Owen.  I'll admit: when they're not right next to each other, they do look pretty much the same size.  Except Owen is a baby, and Bob is climbing everything and chatting away.  So I really don't understand how so many people make the mistake.

Anyway, point is -- we've got new "almost bald" heads around here for summertime.  Dad is pleased.  And I'm pleased too.

Have yourself a great day now.  Get a haircut for summer if you feel like it!

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